Our Mission:
Supporting the Educational Excellence of Adrian Public Schools
Supporting the Educational Excellence of Adrian Public Schools
The Adrian Schools Educational Foundation has given more than $1 million in classroom grants over its history. From technology to books and classroom materials, the Foundation is proud to support innovation in the classroom.
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The ASEF and AHS Alumni Association support many special initiatives engaging APS students.
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Math, the ASEF supports the development of an engaging, challenging K-12 STEM initiative.
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Michener Elementary School’s fourth-grade students recently hosted the inaugural Leaders and Dreamers event, where local community leaders from organizations such as the Adrian City Commission, Adrian Public Schools, Old National Bank, Meijer, Wallich Construction, MI Region 2 STEM, Washtenaw Promise, and the Adrian Center for the Arts engaged with students to inspire them and share insights into their careers.
A generous donation from the Mouli family along with support from the district and the Adrian Schools Educational Foundation will provide STEM and career opportunities for APS students.
Maple Stadium press box is named in honor of Del Cochran. Del is a 1961 AHS grad, as well as a former teacher, coach, principal and superintendent for APS. He also spent 40 years announcing Maple football and was dubbed "The Voice of The Maples".