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Adrian Schools Educational Foundation exists to give students learning experiences that will last a lifetime! Our mission is to support the educational excellence of Adrian Public Schools.

Our donors partner with us so that we may award materials and equipment for student use through our classroom grant program. The Foundation now has a General Academic Endowment which provides interest for general classroom grants. Through its Fine Arts Endowment, the Foundation also gives students the opportunity to participate in the visual, performing, vocal and instrumental arts during their K-12 careers.

The Adrian Schools Educational Foundation supports the district's vision of helping each student reach his or her potential across all areas of study. It partners in the STEM Program (Science Technology, Engineering and Math) and the Fine Arts.


The Foundation is a private non-profit 501 c (3) organization, which provides financial support to improve
students’ educational opportunities and experiences. It operates independently of the Adrian School District,
but supports the educational excellence of Adrian Public Schools. It is governed by a volunteer board of
trustees consisting of parents, alumni, and community, educational, business and industrial leaders.
The Foundation was formed in 1987. For the past 35 years, many notable leaders and alumni have served on
the board and continued to move this organization forward.

Over the years, we have used a variety of options for fundraising. Currently, we have one major event held in
partnership with the Maple Fans Club, the Maple Blues Blast. This is a dinner auction that brings parents,
faculty, alumni and community members together to celebrate the Maples and Maple tradition. The proceeds
are split equally between the two organizations. There are also several mailing and electronic solicitations,
including our biannual newsletter. Two other noteworthy events are the Outstanding Alumni and
Teacher/Mentor Awards and the AHS Musical Opening Night Reception.

Our donors include district employees, alumni, parents, community members, businesses and district vendors.
We partner with and support activities of the Alumni Association. Along with those that pay dues to the
Alumni Association, anyone that donates $25 or more to the Foundations is provided for a membership in the
Alumni Association. Newsletters are mailed to all Alumni Association members twice a year.

The Foundation currently has assets totaling over $2.5 million which includes two invested endowments: one
for the arts and one for general education classroom grants. All donations to the Foundation are spent with the
approval of its Trustees.

Our most notable project is the annual classroom and arts grants. When selecting projects for funding, we
verify the projects are consistent with the educational goals and priorities of the Adrian Board of Education.
Approximately 30 individual and building grants in the amount $1,500 or less are awarded each year.

As of Fall 2022, we have awarded over $1,500,000 to Adrian Public Schools and its students and employees in grants and program services.

Our Financials

  • 2019-20 Classroom Grants Golden Maple
    2019-20 Classroom Grants Golden Maple
  • 2020 Maple Blues Blast Underwriter
    2020 Maple Blues Blast Underwriter
  • 2019-20 Classroom Grant Golden Maple
    2019-20 Classroom Grant Golden Maple
  • 2020 Maple Blues Blast Underwriter
    2020 Maple Blues Blast Underwriter
  • 2019-20 Classroom Grants Golden Maple
    2019-20 Classroom Grants Golden Maple
  • Musical Reception Underwriter Golden Maple
    Musical Reception Underwriter Golden Maple